Black hole explore

Welcome to my webpage, here I provide exciting updates on my research into how black holes curve space and time and the gravitational waves they produce.

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

From 2018-2022, I completed my PhD at the University of Southampton in modelling black hole binaries under the supervision of Dr. Adam Pound. To read a summary of my research there, please read my Blog Post.

In September 2022 I started a Research Associate role at the University of Nottingham, where I work on modelling binaries in alternative theories of gravity with Prof. Thomas Sotiriou and his group.

In my work I model the gravitational waves that origionate from binary black hole systems using black hole perturbation theory. The flexibility of black hole perturbation theory allows us to model binaries in theories beyond General Relativity and investigate the quasi-normal mode ringdown after merger.

Podcast with acaudio!

For a bitesized introduction to my research listen to me talk to acaudio: podcast link.