Invited talks:
- Workshop: Approaches to 2nd Order Gravitational Self-Force in Kerr, Lipzig, Germany (30/1/2025)
- Fundamental Physics Meets Waveform With LISA workshop, AEI, Potsdam, Germany (4/9/2024)
- Black Holes: from the Universe to the Lab Workshop, Nottingham, UK (12/2/2024)
- “Asymmetric binaries meet fundamental astro-physics”, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy (21/9/2023)
- AEI Seminar, Potdam, Germany (9/11/2022)
- 6th Meeting of the “Groupement de recherche” on Gravitational Waves, Toulouse, France (11/10/2022)
Succesfully applied for talks:
- The 15th International LISA Symposium, Dublin, Ireland (9/7/2024)
- Capra 27, Singapore (18/6/2024)
- Gravity: Challenges Beyond General Relativit, ICCUB, Barcelona, Spain (23/5/2024)
- Capra 26, The Niels Bohr Institute in The University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- APS April Meeting, Minneapolis, USA
- Capra 25, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Capra 24, Perimeter Institute, Canada, pirsa link
- BHIO2021, online (poster session)
- BritGrav21, University College Dublin, Ireland
- 13th International LISA Symposium (2020), youtube link
- Capra 23, The University of Texas Austin, USA
- GR22 (2019), Valencia, Spain
Additional talks:
- University of Oxford, BIPAC, (16/02/2024)
- The University of Chicago, Department of Physics, Prof. Robert Wald’s group (13/04/2023)
- Southampton String Postgraduate Seminar (2020)